Simon’s List of Things You Might Like to Know
I don’t know if the uni is still giving out Athens usernames or if you can go to the library and get one but Dreamspark uses it to check you’re a student. After that there’s a hill of software for download for free totalling about £2000.
To install any of the CD images without wasting a CD/DVD use Daemon Tools . Just remember not to install the toolbar.
Use your uni email address to get cheap things from Microsoft like Windows 7 upgrade for £30 (usually nearer £170) and Office 2007 Ultimate for £40 (usually £400).
Use it to model everything. It’s been developed in the uni so it uses all the standards they want so you can’t go wrong with it.
Keeps things nice and organised with things at hand.
In the “My Modules” tab of the portal choose “INN NetStorage” and you can access the F and H drives.
Loads of useful tools for when you’re making a website.
Automatically synchronise files and folders. Use it for backups of USB pens, backups to USB pens...anywhere where you need two copies of the same files.
Free, quick and unobtrusive Anti-most-bad-things.
If you ever find yourself trying to watch a video that just won’t play then the standard pack more than likely fix that for you. It’s packed full of codecs for nearly every form of audio and video that’s used on the PC today.
Zips and unzips almost anything and fast too. Choose the “.msi” version that matches your OS (if in doubt pick 32bit).